
New Dangers of Drinking While Pregnant

In January of this year, we learned even more about the effects of drinking on a fetus’s heart. Case Western University researchers led by Ganga Karunamuni, PhD made use of a new imaging technique called optical coherence tomography, which uses light waves instead of the sound waves used by an ultrasound.  It produces high-resolution images, and has shown us insights into the heart of a fetus that we hadn’t gotten before. Karanamuni says that even one episode of heavy drinking can cause … [Read more...]


Overcoming Resentment During Your Recovery

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Today’s topic will be resentment: harboring it and then proceeding to vanquish it. I want to start off with a story of my ex-girlfriend, whom we’ll call Debbie.  Debbie was a medium-height brunette with a great sense of humor and quite a lot of attitude.  I kind of liked the attitude, but only when I was in a good mood.  She was my girlfriend while I was drinking heavily, and my girlfriend when I hit rock bottom.  She was a girlfriend who left me a few times and we got back together, and … [Read more...]


Should You Go Into Rehab For Depression

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Is Rehab for Depression? I’ve spent a lot of time writing about rehab, about various types of programs for getting past alcoholism.  But what about depression?  You know people who take Zoloft, Prozac, etc. for depression; and those who see a therapist for it.  You may also be aware of inpatient programs—rehab—for very severe depression. Let’s take a look at circumstances in which rehab may be the best option for depression, and what would happen from there. First, we should look at some … [Read more...]


Your Stomach Pain Could be Gastritis

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Be sure to get help at warning signs A lot of heavy drinkers experience considerable stomach pains, often quite often.  It’s something that is intuitive, taken to be just a part of the process, even if it’s a very unpleasant part. What’s important for the heavy drinker to know is the existence of a condition called Gastritis.  It’s even worse than it sounds. Gastritis is inflammation of the lining of the stomach, serious inflammation, sometimes escalating to the point of bleeding.  This … [Read more...]


Alcoholics Anonymous: Wildly Successful?

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What is success, and who deserves the credit? Most times when I discuss my alcoholism recovery with folks, they ask me about Alcoholics Anonymous.  They want to know if I went through, did it work, what did I like about it, etc.? Some people think AA is synonymous with recovery the way google is now synonymous with searching the Internet.  Some think it’s an annoying religious brainwashing cell; some think it’s too simple and simplistic; some think the sponsor component is the best part of … [Read more...]