
Dry Drunk Syndrome–Is it Beatable?

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Don't feel the same after you've quit. A Definition of Dry-Drunk Syndrome When I moved from Albuquerque to Cincinnati, I went to some AA meetings and made it a point to network with recovering drinkers.  As you’ll recall from previous posts, it’s important to have at least some connection with recovering alcoholics as you go through your own recovery.  This helps commiserate and to not feel alone. Now, it’s important, of course, not to allow these friendships or collegial relationships to … [Read more...]


Pros and Cons of Relapse Prevention


Friends, today’s topic is something that quite a few recoverers may not know about.  Relapse Prevention is a while school of thought developed by addiction counselors and therapists and other professionals.  As the name implies, this approach explicitly labels the component of the process in which the recovered alcoholic could possibly hit a relapse. A report by Larimer, et al. discusses the Marlatt Cognitive-Behavioral Model.  First, this model aims to identify high-risk situations, such as … [Read more...]


Don’t Be a Statistic: Binge Drinking Data and You

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Binge Drinking By The Numbers Alcoholism isn’t measured by large quantities of drink in one day, but almost all alcoholics have engaged in binge drinking at one time or another.  Maybe thousands of times, maybe a few dozen. This means men having 5 drinks or women 4 in 2 hours or less.  This definition is from the Centers for Disease Control, which we’ll be revisiting throughout the post. A lot of the posts I make are for particular insights (I’ve gotten the hard way) about one facet of … [Read more...]


Breaking Good: What Breaking Bad Can Teach a Recovering Alcoholic

Be the Reverse Walter White The great television show Breaking Bad is all about transformation.  It grabbed people’s attention because it showed such a shocking transformation, which was the centerpiece of a very controversial and hard-to-watch story.  We watch, season after season, a school teacher getting into the manufacture of crystal meth, becoming known for the purity of his product, getting mixed up with fearsome criminals, building a web of lies, killing people, destroying his family, … [Read more...]


Are You Enabling an Alcoholic?

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Enabling an Alcoholic, Meaning well isn't always enough. Today, let’s consider the interesting story of H and me.  H is my girlfriend, who is a rock and who has given me an incredible amount of help over the years.  There’s no question about any of those things.  But this strange story will involve some things that weren’t completely and utterly helpful, when H was actually enabling me. H works at a fabric store, has reddish brown hair, and is a lot tougher than most people give her credit … [Read more...]